Sunday, 31 May 2009

Coping with an injury!

It has been a huge challenge coping in my job with an injured knee. Apart from staircases everywhere in school, I also contend with an uneven quadrangle with tree roots pushing up through the tarmac, and a long walk between my Grade 5 classroom and the computer room where I teach most of my other lessons. Added to that is my inability to drive a car as I can't cope with the clutch and gears. I've had to get lifts from colleagues every day and resort to old-fashioned teaching methods (seated at my desk, instead of roaming the classroom). I've been amazed at the ability of the children to adjust with ease to my new style of teaching, their helpfulness in carrying books and bags for me, and their fascination with my walking stick! When I'm seated, they've asked for turns to try walking with it and using it for all sorts of other novelties like pulling books towards them. In the computer lessons, I've used my chair with wheels to get around the room quickly, much to the amusement of the children and their teachers who accompany them. I'm not sure that high school students would be as kind and helpful, so I'm very grateful to be in a primary school at the moment.